Sticker Sexto Chakra - Agña- Ajna - Mandalas & Stickers - MundoYoga Yoga Shop Specializing in Yoga
Sticker Sexto Chakra - Agña- Ajna - Mandalas & Stickers - MundoYoga Yoga Shop Specializing in Yoga

Sticker Sexto Chakra - Agña- Ajna

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Easy to apply on any type of transparent glass. House or car windows, bath screens, shop windows...

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Window decals are the latest in decoration for MundoYoga. A simple way to offer your space a colorful detail. Its translucent texture allows light to pass through its colors and enliven its intensity.

The size of the Sticker is 10.5 cm in diameter

Easy to apply on any type of transparent glass. Home or car windows, bathroom screens, shop windows...

Let your imagination run wild!

The chakras are psychic centers found in the physical body through which energy must circulate. These psychic centers govern various aspects of our life, causing any emotion or thought to disturb or destabilize the energy that circulates through them.

The chakras are located from the coccyx to the crown of the head and are distributed in seven different points of the anatomy of the human being.

The sixth Chakra (Agna-Ajna) The meaning of the third eye cannot be entirely transmitted, because it is in each one as our universal and eternal truth, greater than concepts, reason or words. It is the center from which we perceive the transcendent nature of the world, connecting us with the totality of existence. The third eye also signifies an awakening to this mystical reality that allows us to be in tune with a transcendent force and flow with it through detachment, trust, intuition and contact with the divine. In its highest form this energy leads us to detach from our ego and become pure consciousness again.

  • Location: Third eye
  • Mantra syllable: Aum
  • Musical note: A
  • Color: Indigo
  • Element: Light
  • Sense: all senses and extrasensory perceptions
  • Organ/Body Expression: face, eyes, ears, nose, nervous system, cerebellum, pituitary gland
Mandala Arts
rating 10
Muy bonita

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